
Compostability and biodegradability analyses belong to ISEGA's key competences for more than 20 years now. Pertaining to our company's tradition, paper and pulp-based materials still constitute the major part of the tested products, yet (bio)plastics have continuously gained importance during the last years.

Our standard offer comprises tests for industrial compostability (e.g. according to EN 13432, ISO 17088, EN 14995, ASTM D 6400) based on the four basic aspects material characterization, biodegradability, disintegration and ecotoxicity.

As the need for compostability tests under non-industrial conditions is steadily increasing, we have been strengthening our expertise in this field. In January 2017, ISEGA's recognition by DIN CERTCO has been extended by the sector of home and garden composting. We can therefore offer you all tests required by the leading standards NF T51-800 und AS 5810 under certification conditions.

For the certification of compostable products for the north American market, we can support you with tests according to a new certification program according to the standards ASTM D 6400 and ASTM D 6868 having evolved from a cooperation between DIN CERTCO and the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI).

We are approved by DIN CERTCO as a testing laboratory for the following certification schemes (reg. no.: PL045, state of March 2018):

  • Products made of compostable materials ('Seedling')
  • Products made of compostable materials ('DIN-Geprüft Industrial Compostable')
  • Additives harmless to the composting process ('DIN-Geprüft Additive EN 13432')
  • Products made of compostable materials for home and garden composting ('DIN-Geprüft Home Compostable')

Beyond standardized test methods aiming at product certification, we further elaborate specific test schemes according to our customers' requirements, e.g. pre-certification screenings during product development or for other internal issues.

Our lab routine includes:

  • quantitative and qualitative pilot-scale disintegration tests, e.g. according to ISO 16929 / EN 14045
  • biodegradability tests according to ISO 14855 / ASTM D 5338, optionally at differing test temperature (10-60°C)
  • biodegradability tests according to ISO 14851
  • determination of material characteristics, e.g. according to Tab. A.1 of EN 13432, including infrared spectroscopy and physical testing
  • plant ecotoxicity tests according to OECD guideline 208
  • ecotoxicity tests with lumbricides according to ASTM E 1676