Legal provisions
Product Certification
Certification programs
- Paper / Board
- Plastics
- Dyes and colourants
- Adhesives
- Chemicals
- Consumer products
Fields of Work of the Certification Body
Conformity with the LFGB (German Foodstuffs, Consumer Goods and Animal Feed Code)
- We evaluate finished articles intended to come into contact with foods as well as products needed for their manufacture. We also consider the current European as well as international legal provisions during our examinations.
Lebensmittel- und Futtermittelgesetzbuch (LFGB) of 1 September 2005 (BGBl. I S. 2618, 3007) in the current version, §§ 5, 30 and 31
Conformity with the FDA
- In this case, products are additionally or exclusively required to comply with the requirements of the US-American authority FDA. This is taken into consideration during the planning of our examination scope. In contrast to the European evaluations, the products are regarded as indirect food additives.
21 CFR Ch. I, parts 170 to 199 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the current version
Other conformities
Counted among these are, for example, products used for the manufacture of cigarettes according to the German Tobacco Decree (cigarette paper, tipping paper, printing inks, adhesives).
Vorläufiges Tabakgesetz (Preliminary Tobacco Law) in the version of the notification of 9 September 1997 (BGBl. I S.2296) in the current version, §§ 5, 20, 30 und 31 and further supporting documents such as Regulation (EC) No. 1935/2004, Article 3 (Framework Regulation), published in the Journal of the Euoprean Union L 338/4 of 13 November 2004 in the current version