Dr. Ralph Derra
Studies of chemistry and subsequent doctorate at the University of Würzburg with Prof. Helmchen. After working with ISEGA GmbH in Berlin and a paper and pulp manufacturing plant in Deir-Ez-Zor, Syria, he took over the laboratory management at ISEGA GmbH in Aschaffenburg. He has been Managing Director there since 1986.
Acknowledged as an independent court expert witness for water management by the Bavarian Landesamt für Umwelt (LfU)
Appointed as an authorized court expert witness by the Chamber of Commerce Aschaffenburg for
- packaging materials
- soil and air analyses
As a member of the Freelance Chemists and owners of free independent laboratories he represents the interests of the GDCh in several advisory councils and sector committees with DAkkS and at EUROLAB.
Participation in the following standardization committees:
- Convenor CEN/TC 172 WG 3 Pulp, paper and board
- Chairman NA 062-08-93 AA "Plastic articles in contact with food - Test methods for the migration of substances from plastics"
- Chairman NA 074-02-01 AA "Chemical-technological test methods for paper, board, pulps and chemical pulp"
- Member NA 074-02-05 AA "Test methods for tissue paper and tissue products"
- Member NA 074 BR "Board of DIN Standards Committee Paper, Board and Pulps (NPa)"