
Bust of the company foundter Dr. Rolf Derra executed by the sculptor Helena Papantonioy

  • Development of the institute and its admissions

    • 2021:
      • Re-accreditation as test laboratory according to DIN EN ISO 17025 in the field of consumer health protection, sampling including technical units and drinking water
      • Re-accreditation as test laboratory in the field medical devices
      • Accreditation for blood bags (ISO 3826-1, section 8.5)
      • TÜV Austria Belgium NV- acknowledgement as test laboratory for the certification programs „Ok compost industrial“ and „Ok compost home“ as well as for the certification program „Products made of compostable materials“ (seedling)
      • Addition to the DIN CERTCO acknowledgement: Testing of additives according to EN 13432
    • 2020:
      Move into the new laboratory facilities for the ecology department
    • 2018:
      Re-accreditation as certification body for products according to DIN EN ISO 17065
    • 2016:
      Re-accreditation as test laboratory according to DIN EN ISO 17025 in the field of consumer health protection, sampling including technical units and drinking water
    • 2015:
      Accreditation of our certification system according to the international standard EN ISO 17065
      Dr. Derra elected as chairman of CEN TC 172
    • 2010:
      Transition of the whole accreditation system from DACH to DAkkS
    • 2009:
      Move to the new extension building with modern testing facilities for sensory and physical analyses
    • 2008:
      Accredition of our certification system according to EN 45011 by the DACH
    • 2001:
      Transition of the laboratory accredition to ISO 17025 by the DACH
    • 2000:
      European accreditation according to the EC directive 93/99/EWG as a laboratory for testing of packaging material samples within the European foodstuff supervising system
    • 1999:
      Establishing of ISEGA Umweltanalytik GmbH, Hanau (environmental analysis)
    • 1998:
      Acknowlwdgement by DIN CERTCO for testing of biodegradability according to DIN 54 900 parts 1 through 3
    • 1997:
      Laboratory accreditated according to EN 45 001

      Acknowledgement as a testing laboratory for residual pollution on federal real estate

      Accreditation by the ZLG (German State Agency for Health Protection) as a laboratory for the testing of medical products within the scope of the EC directive 93/42/EEC
    • 1995:
      Expert according to TRGS 519 for the asbestos testing (redevelopment of buildings)
    • 1993:
      Expert for the examination of quality systems according to EN 45000
    • 1992:
      New office building in Zeppelinstraße 5, Aschaffenburg
    • 1991:
      Official acknowledgement of Dr. Ralph Derra as an expert of the Chamber of Commerce and Trade, Aschaffenburg, for packaging materials as well as for soil and air analysis

      Registered testing lab for butter wrappers and packaging materials for the storage of butter for the  “Deutsche Milchkontor” (German Milk Agency)
    • 1988:
      Company´s relocation into the present laboratory building in Zeppelinstraße 3, Aschaffenburg
    • 1986:
      Appointment of Dr. Ralph Derra as Managing Director
    • 1981:
      Admission by DIN as a testing lab for paper bags, sterilization packagings and sterilization paper for DIN CERTCO (formerly DGWK)
    • seit 1980:
      Various acknowledgements and registrations on the fields of drinking water, soil, sewage and waste testing
    • 1979:
      Establishing of ISEGA Forschungs- und Untersuchungs GmbH

      Extension of the laboratory scope to trace analysis in foodstuffs, pharmaceutics and environmental samples
    • 1978:
      Admission as a testing lab for skim milk powder and butter oil for the Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung BLE (Federal Agriculture and Nutrition Administration)
    • 1971:
      Sale of  ISEGA to Dr. Rolf Derra
    • 1966:
      Admission as an officially acknowledged experts institute (as a part of the foodstuffs supervising system) for the examination of samples of packaging materials of paper, board, plastic, glass, tin and other metallic packaging materials regarding their suitability for use in the foodstuffs sector

      Establishing of ISEGA Industrie-, Studien- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft as an external research department of the Aschaffenburger Zellstoffwerke AG with following research areas: fibre materials, plastics, packaging, environment protection